image006.jpgGET TOGETHER - NFHS CLASSES OF ’59, ’60 AND ‘61image006.jpg

Registration Form




Name of Classmate _________________________________________________________________________________

                                                            First                              Last                                          Maiden


Name of spouse or guest_____________________________________________________________________________

                                                            First                              Last



                                                            City                              State                                        Zip Code



E-mail _____________________________________Telephone___________________   Class_______________



Number attending   _________Casual Get-Together Party                       ___________ Tour and Lunch


Number attending ________________Dinner Party @ $35.00per person                           $_________________   


Make total amount of enclosed check payable to: Geraldine Insana            $_________________



Please mail to:


Geraldine Insana


Phone:  716-523-5010                            524 Whitehaven Rd, NY  14072             E-mail:



If you have questions about the reunion, please check our website



   NOTE:  It is important that you register for events with no prior cost so we can allow the appropriate number of seats for you.